Welcome to Easter Eggs!

Welcome to AOL Easter Eggs! AOL Easter Eggs is a website all about easter eggs and hidden secrets that you can find on everyone's favorite online service... AOL!!!! These easter eggs only work when you are logged onto AOL. They do not work on any other service. To use them, just click on the link. These secrets only work inside AOL's client program. They will not work while running Internet Explorer, Netscape, or any other browser. While you're here, why don't you check out some more of my crazy websites!

Name of Egg



A very famous AOL easter egg. (sadly, this egg has passed away. 4/13/01)

American Running and Fitness Association

A forum using the "old" forum style.

Mystery Toons

A leftover from an old Cartoon Network contest.

AOL Elections

The election keyword is gone, but not the content! A must see.

No Access

An error message.

AOL Japan

A movie from when AOL started in Japan.


A leftover from the days of Gopherspace. (this keyword is no longer abandoned.)


An older easter egg that takes you to a random keyword. Good for finding easter eggs and abandoned forums. (sadly, this one has passed away as well. 4/13/01)

Proper Diskette Care

A parody easter egg.

Mmm... Mouse

This used to be an easter egg, but now it is just a blank forum. Pay your tributes to what was once the strangest egg on AOL.

News Profiles

An Error message saying that a cookie isn't open. Huh?

Town Fair Quiz

A REALLY old quiz area with lots of old content. It's from the days before the flat rate. Another must-see.

AOL Secrets

This is a strange old forum about "AOL Secrets". Try to send a message, it will say "Your Message Can Not Be Addressed Now. Try Again Later." Odd. Give it a try.


This is the OLD RPG forum. It's slowly decaying and some of the stuff goes up and down. If you're only going to see one thing, see this.


The guides must be crazy! Walk back SLOWLY, step by step...

Business Tip of the Day

This seems to be a leftover area from somewhere in the Business forum. It always shows the "Purge" message.


This is an OLD Error Message from when the Download Center relocated.

NTN Cookie Unavailible

I have no idea.

Invalid Favorite Place

Error Message

STATS Gateway Unavailible

Error Message

SCOREBOARD Not Availible

Error Message

Invalid Resource ID

Error Message


This keyword's really weird. It makes you wait, usually, then it says AOL is too busy, but when you do this in a chat room, it searches the 'net for the word "Dice" like it was an invalid keyword! (correction: in Windows, this works as a chatroom dice-roller. The above text is true for Macintosh. 4/13/01)

File Not Found

Download was not found.

Million Minutes to the Millenium

This was AOL's New Years' Eve 1999 special. And it's still there. Check out the forum in particular and leave your name if you want.

Top Secrets

There's some really cool stuff here. Old stuff on Picture Publisher, some cool maze games, and other weird stuff.

Atomic Clock

Buy an atomic clock on AOL

Hacker Convicted for Felony

A neat old AOL news story.

Simming forums have relocated

This says that the Simming Forums have relocated.

Red dragon inn has relocated

This says that the red dragon inn has relocated.


This used to show a picture of a rose, but now it is just a blank white forum.

RoSeS aRe ReD

I think this used to be an easter egg, but now it's just another blank forum.

Secret Soviet Archives

Either this is some kind of encyclopedia reference or it's an easter egg, I'm not sure.

Yellow Rose

Another "Rose" easter egg. This one shows a yellow rose.

AOL's most wanted

This is an easter egg, but the buttons in the forum don't work. My guess is that it's an inside joke with the guides.

For Denise

I'm not sure about this one. I think it used to be a place where the guides could post stuff for each other... but then again I'm probably wrong.

LEGAL NOTE: AOL is a registered trademark of America Online, Inc. We are not affiliated in any way with America Online. This site is meant as an informational website about hidden areas in America Online's service. We are not employees or affiliates of America Online, nor is this site confirmed or sponsored by America Online.